Thursday, December 8, 2011

Is Hypo and Hyperpigmentation the Same?

!±8± Is Hypo and Hyperpigmentation the Same?

If you are in search for a skin cream that treats both hypo and hyperpigmentation you're probably at a dead-end. And if you don't know the difference between hypo and hyper then it's safe to say that you don't know what you are looking for. This article will discuss the difference between hypo and hyperpigmentation and their respective treatments.


Hyperpigmentation is a synonym for age, brown or dark spot. And since the dark gave it away, it means a darkening of an area or areas of the skin. This problem is caused by too much sun exposure and the melanin (what makes our skin tone the way it is) is over produced and usually appears in your late 30s-early 40s. However on the other end of hyperpigmentation problems we have melasma, which is a skin problem caused by hormonal imbalances. This is why we often see this problem during pregnancy.

Hyperpigmentation problems are usually harmless, unless there is too much unprotected sun tanning involved. Always remember that sunbathing without protection (sun screen above SPF +30) can lead to skin cancer. Also, the only way to prevent this problem from ever affecting you is to use a sun screen year around. No sun screen basically equals age spots.

There are various treatments for hyperpigmentation: microdermabrasion, skin bleaching creams, etc. Most of these are quite effective at correcting skin tone, but keep in mind that most of these are chemicals. We all know that chemicals are not really suited for sensitive skin types and unfortunately as we age, our skin gets thinner and a lot more vulnerable. Therefore using products that contain only natural ingredients is a great way to go. There are several natural skin creams for age spots out there, so there shouldn't be a problem finding one. It might take a bit longer to see results, but the good news is that there will be results without nasty side effects.


Hypopigmentation is the opposite of hyperpigmentation. It means the decrease or depletion of melanin in areas of the skin. Vitiligo is a skin condition that is characterized by hypopigmentation. In addition, hypopigmentation can be caused by skin damage: infection, burns, etc.

Hypopigmentation can unfortunately not be treated. So please don't believe in online lotions, potions and solutions that swear to cure discoloration problems.

Is Hypo and Hyperpigmentation the Same?

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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Obagi C Rx System C Clarifying Serum ( Normal To Oily Skin ) - Obagi - C Rx System - Day Care - 30ml/1oz

!±8± Obagi C Rx System C Clarifying Serum ( Normal To Oily Skin ) - Obagi - C Rx System - Day Care - 30ml/1oz

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Friday, November 11, 2011

Treatment of Dark Circles Under the Eyes

!±8± Treatment of Dark Circles Under the Eyes

Effective treatment for removal of dark circles under the eyes must be directed at the underlying cause of the dark circles. Millions of people complain of dark circles under the eyes but the underlying cause of the dark circles varies greatly. Treatments for dark circles that do not correct the underlying cause of the dark circle do not work. There is an incredible array of treatments for dark circles including cucumber slices, tea bags, vanishing creams, bleaching creams, lasers, surgery, more sleep, avoid TV and computer, drink 2 liters of water a day etc, yet few of these regimens seem to be directed at the underlying cause of the dark circles under the eyes.

To better understand the treatment of dark circles under the eyes I will discuss the various types of dark circles under the eyes that I encounter in my plastic surgery practice and my understanding of the cause of the dark circles, and what I feel is the most effective treatment to remove the dark circles under the eyes.

Understand that the eyelid skin appears darker than the surrounding facial skin in all people-this is the normal condition and is caused by shadows created by the overhanging brow and the fact that the eyelid skin is much thinner than the surrounding facial skin. Below I am talking about exaggerated dark circles under the eyes that cause people to be unhappy with their appearance.

Causes of Dark Circles under the Eyes

Thin Eyelid Skin

The eyelid skin is the thinnest in the body and many people with dark circles under the eyes have extremely thin skin on their eyelids and around the eyes. This thin skin is an inherited trait. The dark circles under the eyes are caused by the fact that the purple color of the underlying eyelid muscle shows through the thin skin and creates a bluish or purple color. The color is darkest near the nose and on the lower eyelid near the nose.

Treatment of dark circles under the eyes caused by thin skin is very difficult because it is very difficult to make your inherited skin thicker. Cover up make up like Jayne Iredale Eye Cover, Dermablend, and Covermark are very helpful and my first recommendation. Frequent microdermabrasion and Retin A cream over a long period of time will build new collagen in the dermis will thicken the skin and provide some improvement.

There are new lasers on the horizon which are very effective at stimulating new growth of collagen in the dermis and these new technologies may prove very beneficial. Be sure to sign up for my free newsletter to be informed when these new technologies are available.

The Arcus Deformity discussed below creates a very severe dark circle in people with thin eyelid skin and correction of the Arcus deformity with Arcus release and fat grafting can be very helpful treatment for dark circles under the eye in these individuals.

Prominent Eyelid Blood vessels and Veins

Everyone has veins and blood vessels called capillaries in their eyelid skin. In many people however the veins are very prominent and the blood vessels add to the dark color of the eyelid.

To diagnose this cause of dark circles look in a mirror with bright light on your face and gently pull the skin of the lower eyelid tight. You will see many tiny branching red and blue lines which represent blood vessels.

You need blood vessels and veins to keep your eyelid healthy and alive. However when there is an abundance of smaller vessels which create a bluish or purplish hue to the lower eyelid some new IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) or laser therapies can be used to treat dark circles under the eyes in people with an excess of small capillaries and blood vessels. The very large veins cannot be treated.

Laser blood vessel treatment is a serious and potentially dangerous treatment for dark circles under the eyes and must be performed by a physician who is experienced in the use of lasers and IPL. Most importantly the eye must be protected by placing a shield over the eye during treatment so that the laser or IPL light cannot hit the eye. The laser and IPL light can damage the retina and destroy vision if the beams hit the unprotected eye.

Pigmentation of the Eyelids

Hyper pigmentation, too much pigment in the skin of the eyelid is a very common cause of dark circles under the eyes. Treatment of dark circles under the eyes caused by hyper pigmentation is very effective, but the pigment frequently returns after sun exposure.

Hyper pigmentation of the lower eyelids occurs because of sun exposure and prevention with sun block, sun glasses, and a hat are the most important first treatment for this type of dark circles under the eyes.

The treatment of hyper pigmentation begins with bleaching creams such as a combination of Retin A and 4% Hydroquinone, Obagi Blender 5, Epiquin or other prescription bleaching cream combined with microdermabrasion.

After the above treatments have lessened the pigmentation causing the dark circles under the eyes, if necessary I proceed to IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) treatments. These treatments do effectively remove pigment causing the dark circle but again experience and eye protection are very necessary to prevent eye injury.

Hollow Eyes

Many people have a deep hollow beneath the lower eyelid which creates a dark shadow beneath the eyelid which people call dark circles under the eyes.

This deep hollow beneath the lower eyelid is caused by an inherited deficiency of fat and or bone and treatment of this type of dark circle under the eye requires surgery.

The hollow eye occurs more commonly in people from Central Asia and the Middle East but it certainly occurs in all races and from people in all regions of the world.

To treat dark circles under the eyes in people who have hollow eyes I do a laser procedure called an Arcus Marginalis release and fat grafting. The Arcus Marginalis is a structure which tethers the lower eyelid to the bone and creates a dark circle when the eyelid skin above the dark circle falls over the dark circle creating a shadow. Releasing the Arcus Marginalis releases the eyelid skin and eliminates the crease or dark circle.

I then transplant fat to fill the hollow in the bone and plump the dark circle and correct the hollow eye appearance.

Usually, to treat the dark circle under the eyes caused by the hollow eye I have to take fat from around the belly button on the abdomen to have enough fat to adequately fill the hollow eye deformity. The incision to remove the fat is well hidden down inside the belly button and is usually not visible.

Treatment of dark circles under the eyes caused by the hollow eye usually takes me 45 minutes to an hour, can be done with you asleep or awake, and recovery is usually 10 days. Patients do not complain of pain afterwards. The main recovery is waiting for bruising to go away and blurred vision from eye ointment that I have you use for the first week or two. Most importantly after this treatment you need to be calm, rest and not exert yourself. Working out or heavy lifting can raise your blood pressure and cause bleeding. Although you will be up and around the first few days with sunglasses to cover your bruising, I do not want you to exercise or lift heavy objects for at least 2 weeks.

The Arcus Deformity-the True dark Circle under the Eye

The most common cause of dark circles under the eyes in patients who seek treatment of dark circles under the eyes in my plastic surgery practice is the Arcus Deformity.

The Arcus Deformity is a dark crescent shaped circle or depression which occurs beneath the lower eyelid starting beside the nose in the corner of the eye and running out toward the side of the face and curving upward towards the outside corner of the eye.

The Arcus Deformity is caused by the fact that a small structure beneath the lower eyelid called the Arcus Marginalis is attached to the bone of the eye socket and also attached to the lower eyelid from underneath. This attachment tethers or holds the eyelid close to the bone of the eye socket while the rest of the lower eyelid is loose and free to move. The normal fat which is beneath the eyeball pushes out against the lower eyelid which creates a visible bulge on the lower eyelid. You can see this by closing one eye and gently pressing on the closed eye. With your other eye you will see the bulging of the fat against the closed lower eyelid on the other side.

The eyelid skin that is tethered by the Arcus Marginalis cannot move or bulge, and as the fat bulges the lower eyelid above the Arcus Marginalis it creates a shadow or dark circle beneath the eyelid where the Arcus Marginalis is attached to the lower eyelid skin. This is the true dark circle under the eyes.

As we age and our eyelid skin becomes loose or lax, the eyelid skin also falls or sags over the depression caused by the Arcus deformity and the dark circle gets worse. With aging and excess protrusion of fat against the lower eyelid the Arcus deformity can become quite pronounced.

The Arcus Deformity is the true dark circle under the eye and I use the term Arcus Deformity to differentiate it from the Tear Trough Deformity which is different. The Tear Trough Deformity starts near the corner of the eye in the same location as the Arcus Deformity but the Tear Trough Deformity runs down into the cheek rather than up toward the outside corner of the eye.

The Tear Trough Deformity is a sign of advanced facial aging and is caused by the sagging or descent of the cheek into the middle of the face which occurs with facial aging in your 50's and 60's. Tears run down the cheek and out the side of the face through the Tear Trough instead of straight down the cheek as they do in a child.

By contrast the Arcus Deformity occurs in much younger patients including children. Most people seeking treatment for dark circles under the eyes in my plastic surgery practice are in their 20's and 30's. Doctors often misdiagnose the Arcus Deformity as the Tear Trough Deformity which is a major problem if a Tear Trough Implant is used to treat the dark circle. The Tear Trough Implant is designed to plump or correct the depression in the cheek out toward the side of the face, and in my experience the Tear Trough Implant cannot adequately correct the dark circle under the eye where it is deepest, near the corner of the lower eyelid near the nose.

The treatment for dark circles under the eyes caused by the Arcus Deformity must include release of the Arcus Marginalis and fat repositioning or fat grafting to plump the area of the dark circle.

The traditional plastic surgery treatment for eyelid rejuvenation called the blepharoplasty, during which fat is removed, can actually make dark circles under the eyes worse and create a hollowed eye appearance.

Treatment of dark circles under the eyes that are caused by the Arcus deformity requires a modern blepharoplasty approach which includes release of the Arcus Marginalis and fat repositioning or fat grafting.

I use a very specific treatment for dark circles under the eyes called the transconjunctival blepharoplasty with Arcus release and fat grafting. This treatment is done through a tiny incision on the inside of the eyelid called a transconjunctival incision because it goes through the conjunctiva, the pink tissue on the inside of the lower eyelid. I also use the laser to make this incision.

The benefits of the laser transconjunctival incision are:

1. No visible scar or incision on the outside of the eyelid

2. No change in the shape of the lower eyelid-the traditional scalpel blepharoplasty through an external incision usually weakens the lower eyelid and causes a sad eyed look

3. Less bleeding during surgery

4. Less bruising after surgery

5. Quicker recovery

My results following treatment of dark circles under the eyes with the laser transconjunctival blepharoplasty with Arcus Marginalis release and fat grafting have been very successful. Most patients have recovered within a week and many who do not bruise are comfortable being seen with make up after 5 days.

Summary- Treatment of Dark Circles under the Eyes

To summarize, effective treatment of dark circles under the eyes requires that you correct the problem that is causing the dark circle under the eye. To accomplish this you must understand what type of dark circle under the eye you have and what is causing it. The following is a summary table:

Thin eyelid skin-Retin A, microdermabrasion, laser?

Prominent Eyelid Blood Vessels-IPL, Laser

Pigmentation of the Eyelid-Bleaching creams, IPL, laser, Microdermabrasion

Hollow Eyes-Arcus Marginalis Release and fat Grafting

Arcus deformity-Transconjunctival laser Blepharoplasty with Arcus release and fat grafting or repositioning

Treatment of dark circles under the eyes is possible; the key is understanding the underlying cause of your dark circles. With proper diagnosis and treatment of dark circles under the eyes caused by the Arcus deformity beautiful results can be achieved with the transconjunctival Arcus release and fat grafting.

Treatment of Dark Circles Under the Eyes

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Acne Treatment And PIH

!±8± Acne Treatment And PIH

When acne resolves, it leaves a mark on the skin. That is most commonly PIH. PIH is Post Inflammatory hyper- pigmentation. This color is due to natural healing process of the body. It fades in about a year. The color of PIH depends upon the individuals skin color. PIH is not a scar. A true scar does not fade away, but PIFH fades away. How to hasten the fading away of the PIH? Let us find out about the acne treatment that hastens this process.

Acne Treatment

Any medication or product that multiplies the skin cell turnover will remove the darkened skin in shorter time. Molecules such as Retinoids increase the turnover of skin cells. They are therefore useful in resolving PIH fast. Retinoids are derivatives of Vitamin A. Adaplene, Tazarotene and Tretinoin are common retinoids. Retinoids can cause dryness of the skin and may also cause itching in some individuals. Sun protection is a must while using retinoids because they make the skin more sensitive to sun.

AHAs and PIH

Alpha Hydroxy Acids are very useful in skin rejuvenation. AHAs remove the dead skin cells on the skin. They loosen the bonds between the skin cells and remove the dead cells. This increases the speed of growth of new cells. AHAs are also called as fruit acids. They are also found in milk. Now days, AHAs are chemically synthesized. Glycolic is one of the common AHAs and many formulations are available with Glycolic Acid. Use of these formulations will remove the dead skin cells and help resolve the PIH fast.

Sun exposure

PIH have higher density of melanin the skin color pigment. The sunrays selectively darken such spots more than the other skin. It is therefore important to protect the darkened spots from sun. A good sunscreen must be used till the color fades away.


Skin bleaches such as Hydroquinone, Azelaic Acid are very useful in removing the excess skin color. They should be used carefully otherwise they may lighten the spot compared to the surrounding skin.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

Acne Treatment And PIH

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Underarm Whitening Cream - Tips and Trick For Successful Underarm Skin Whitening

!±8± Underarm Whitening Cream - Tips and Trick For Successful Underarm Skin Whitening

It is not a secret that certain parts of our bodies have darker pigmentation that the rest of our complexion. Examples of such areas are knees, elbows, underarm pits, knuckles, inner thigh areas. Many men and women strive to even out their skin tone using various, sometimes not very safe or effective skin bleaching products.

Best underarm skin whitening treatments can include several procedures: from costly salon treatments to simple homemade skin bleaching creams.

Underarm whitening cream can be one of the best and least expensive remedies that can help you get rid of unwanted skin pigmentation.

Here are some useful tips that can help you choose the right remedies for darker skin color under your armpits:

* Use only natural skin lighteners that will not cause any irritation, allergic reaction, dryness or more severe side effects.

* Avoid using any underarm whitening creams that contain hydroquinone (a well known carcinogen) or other skin bleachers that do not show their complete list of ingredients! There is a reason why they do not want to reveal it to you.

* Practice good hygiene regiment daily. Avoid using scented deodorant or antiperspirants that can increase unwanted skin pigmentation.

* Increase your water intake to at least 2 liters of water a day to flush out toxins from your body. Avoid eating fatty foods and maintain overall healthy diet.

* Try some great homemade skin whitening remedies like rubbing lime or lemon juice into your underarm skin. You can also use cucumber juice, sandalwood powder mixed with rose water.

* Avoid causing any damage or scarring to your armpits area as this would only increase skin pigmentation and make it even more difficult to whiten your skin tone under your arms.

Underarm Whitening Cream - Tips and Trick For Successful Underarm Skin Whitening

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Friday, October 21, 2011

How to Get Rid of Age Spots With Nut Grass Root

!±8± How to Get Rid of Age Spots With Nut Grass Root

Here's how to get rid of age spots in a safe, step-by-step manner that begins by addressing the cause of their formation. Some people may still call it a liver spot, because at one time, the heavily pigmented areas were believed to be associated with dysfunction of the liver. But, you don't need to worry. Your liver's probably fine. You've just spent a little too much time in the sun, without adequate protection.

When people are young, the body quickly repairs sun damage. After the age of 40, that reparation slows down. There are tools to get the process going again and I'll get to those in a moment, but first, let's look at how to protect your skin from future damage.

A sun-block, such as zinc oxide, can protect the skin from burning, as long as it is not absorbed into the skin. Those sunscreens that disappear after you apply them may still protect you from burning, but they also cause the production of free radicals, within the cells, which increases your risk of skin cancer.

One of the steps in how to get rid of age spots is to decrease melanin production, but melanin is the body's natural defense against burning and UV radiation from the sun. So, once you begin to use a cream that inhibits the production of melanin, you will need to use extra precaution in the sun. If you are using the cream only on your face, wear a hat that shades it.

If you are using it on your hands, wear gloves to protect them in the winter and keep them shaded as much as possible. For a day at the beach, take an umbrella and use a zinc oxide cream when you go for a walk.

If you're like most people, you want to know how to get rid of age spots, safely and you don't want them to come back again. Creams containing vitamin E prevent them from forming in the first place. An ingredient called EXTRAPONE nut grass root is the most effective for fading them.

Vitamin E and nut grass root should be combined with the most effective ingredient for increasing the cell turnover rate; stimulating the body's natural reparation processes. According to clinical studies, that ingredient is SYNERGY TK.

So, the use of a safe whitening cream is how to get rid of age spots, but you have to shop with care. The creams that you see in drug and department stores contain a cheap ingredient known as hydroquinone, which is suspected of increasing a person's cancer risk and known to cause allergic reactions. Some of which are very serious, requiring medical treatment.

A cream containing EXTRAPONE may be used with confidence. It may only be necessary to use it for a month or so, depending on your exposure to sunlight. Once you get a more even pigmentation, you can switch off to an effective anti-aging cream. Now that you know how to get rid of age spots, you might want to learn about some anti-aging secrets.

How to Get Rid of Age Spots With Nut Grass Root

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Elastiderm Eye Creme - Day & Night

!±8± Elastiderm Eye Creme - Day & Night

Brand : Obagi | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Oct 18, 2011 08:12:20 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

  • Obagi Elastiderm - Night Eye Cream fills in the missing piece of the anti-aging puzzle. Help to improve elasticity for fimer, more youthful-looking skin. Works at night when your body naturally repairs to provide a visible more ...
  • Obagi ELASTIderm Day Eye Gel is the first skincare product for the eye area clinically proven to help replenish both elastin and boost collagen production, and give the wrinkles around the eye area the ability to bounce back so that skin looks, feels and acts younger

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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Skin Whitening Creams - An Easy Way To Attain Fair And Glowing Skin

!±8± Skin Whitening Creams - An Easy Way To Attain Fair And Glowing Skin

Skin discoloration is due to many reasons like Melasma, sun damage, acne, post inflammation, hyper pigmentation or even bug bites. You can get rid of any of the above by using skin whitening creams or lotions and systems offered by various cosmetic manufacturers. You can get the treatment done by a professional at a salon or Dr's office or can also opt to treat yourself at home. Skin bleaching is a cosmetic treatment, also known by the names skin whitening or skin lightening. These treatments are basically facial cosmetic treatments done to cover facial skin imperfections.

Skin bleach creams

Creams are now available to give you glowing skin and these products come with a promise of being least time consuming. These are essentially bedtime creams which when used regularly will give you lightened and glowing complexion. Initially the bleaching creams were supposed to irritate your skin to some extent. This was because of some chemical ingredients present in such creams. The present day solution to this problem is a bedtime skin whitening cream with natural extracts which would give you fair complexion without any rashes, itching or irritation. People with sensitive skin were specially barred from using bleaching products from the fear of harming their skin but present day nature based products are skin friendly and can be used by one and all.

Are your birthmarks troubling you?

Skin bleach or whitening treatments are generally opted to hide birthmarks or scars. For this you might be required to get the bleaching treatment done frequently over that area. This would mean frequent visits to the parlor. For such a problem again bleaching creams serve the purpose in better way. Supposedly you have a birthmark on your neck; you can easily massage the area with skin whitening cream twice daily rather than going to the parlor once every week to get bleaching done over that area.

These new products (like Obagi's Nu-Derm Clear-3) have been designed keeping in mind the user's convenience. You can just read the instructions and use it in the comfort of your home while watching your favorite TV show. Be sure you are not allergic to hydroquinone and it should not be used by anyone who is pregnant, nursing or thinking about becoming pregnant soon.

Before finalizing a bleaching cream for self

First test the selected product is, use it on a patch of your skin on the inside of your wrist and observe for development of any irritation or redness or rashes within 24 hours of use. If no such reaction occurs then you can safely use the cream on your face.

To conclude, skin bleaching which is an effective way to get rid uneven skin pigmentation is now available in a better, improved and friendly form as daily use skin bleach and corrector creams. These are less complicated methods than in the past and can easily be included into your daily skin care regime.

Skin Whitening Creams - An Easy Way To Attain Fair And Glowing Skin

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Monday, October 10, 2011

The line is best for acne skin care Aging skin around the symptoms?

!±8± The line is best for acne skin care Aging skin around the symptoms?

Let's face it. Acne vulgaris is a chronic disease that is not exclusive to teenagers, which is why I am often asked what is best skin care line for acne prone aging skin? More often than not you are going to find products designed to help one problem or the other. I will be honest in saying that most of the topical acne treatment will cause you problems, and most anti aging formulas simply don't work.

The primary causes for the development of acne are the sebaceous glands Overproduction of oil, which oil and dead skin cells clog the skin follicles combination, and inflammation caused by the bacterium P. acnes. The formulas used for the treatment of these problems are most often on the skin, severe dryness and irritation redness and scaling. The ingredients in many of these formulas could otherwise harm than good.

When people ask me what I think is best skin care line for acne-prone skin aging, I am always safetell them to avoid any formulas that contain ammoniated mercury, mercury (II) chloride, or hydroquinone. Like all forms of mercury the two commonly used to treat cases of acne are severely toxic to humans, and there is significant evidence that hydroquinone can cause certain forms of leukemia.

The best treatment for ridding the skin of acne will contain either Maracuja passion fruit extract or Jojoba oil for keeping the production of collagen in balance. This formula should also feature ingredients like active Manuka honey for destroying the P. acnes bacteria, and anti-inflammatory compounds such as Witch Hazel, Capuacu butter, Babassu wax, and Shea butter. These natural compounds will eliminate your acne.

Now, what is the best skin care line for acne prone aging skin? The formula should contain a mixture of as many of the ingredients listed above as possible, but it also has to have in it ingredients that can reverse the causes of aging. With all of the plant based ingredients already listed you have antioxidants covered, but there are a couple more issues that have to be dealt with in order for your skin to look younger.

The very best skin care line for acne prone aging skin will feature a recently developed compilation of enzymes and protein complexes called Cynergy TK, which is the only compound currently available that can significantly boost your collagen and elastin production. To make sure the creation of fresh tissue isn't all for naught the formula needs grape seed oil and Phytessence Wakame, which are proven to prevent the breakdown of tissue and polymer caused by various enzymes in the skin.

Make no mistake about it. Products that feature all of these ingredients, whether together in the same formula or not, make the best skin care line for acne prone aging skin. These compounds are the safest way for you to achieve clear skin, and the most effective ingredients known for reducing lines and wrinkles. A line of products like this will do it all.

If you'd like to learn more about little known but clinically tested natural ingredients that are used for treating aging skin, visit my website today.

The line is best for acne skin care Aging skin around the symptoms?

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Friday, October 7, 2011

Let's Talk About Obagi Blender

!±8± Let's Talk About Obagi Blender

Obagi Blender on the surface appears to be very similar to Obagi Clear because it in fact is. The reason is that you may have already noticed that both of these highly effective skin therapy products contain 4% hydroquinone. A popular skin lighter.

Obagi Blender is Formulated to Compliment Tretinoin

However; there is one very important difference between the two and that's that Obagi Blender is formulated to be used along with a tretinoin treatment. Tretinoin is also commonly referred to as Retin-A. You see its very common for many substances to have more than one name that they are referred to by.

You Can Find Retin-A in a Wide Range of Products

Tretinoin, as it turns out, happens be one of the more common effective treatments for acne and in fact it was the very first retenoid that was developed for use in topical skin treatment products. It's also a rather common component of many commercial hair loss treatments.

Tretinoin for the Treatment of Stretch Marks

Also aside from the treatment of extreme forms of acne, tretinoin is a major component of many topical skin products that function to stimulate collagen production. Some of the more popular of these products that are available, are those that are formulated for the treatment of acne scars.

It Stimulates the Overall Effect of Retin-A

So it's not at all hard to see why such a need developed in recent years for a product that was specifically designed to compliment Retin-A. A product that has an activating base, as this product does, that in fact intensifies the overall effects of Retin-A.

It's Imperative that it Be Applied Prior to Retin-A

Even so, it's imperative that Obagi Blender be applied very thinly in a circular motion, prior to the application of any Retin- A treatment. It's instructions stipulate that about a half a gram be used per application and that treatments should be done twice per day. Pregnant women should never use any product containing hyroquinone

Let's Talk About Obagi Blender

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